Saturday, 23 June 2012

hate is a strong word but I really really really don't like you

Today I got the yankee candle in drift away. It smells so nice and fresh, although a bit like aftershave! I have it lit as I'm typing and it smells so lovely!
If you buy it in the size that I've shown they are only about £1.30.
I also bought a cute belt today but my pictures are going wierd so maybe I'll show that on another post!

Amazing song :)


  1. its funny, i had that song stuck in my head a few weeks ago, and would love to try some candle! i havnt invested in any!

    hope you get a chance to check out my blog!

    Figure Of Chic. 

    1. haha, it's great isn't it? Yeah I would deffo recommend the candle!
      I have looked at your blog, its lovely xx

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by sweetie, I am your newest follower!:)
